By creating a second, “secret” social media account to share your photos and stories… you haven’t averted the privacy/confidentiality agreement you signed with child welfare in your state. You’ve broken it. What have you recently shared that might need to be reworded, re-named, cropped, covered, or pulled down?
Author: AdoptionToLife
Your personal info is being handed out for free. To anyone – even outside of your social network. When I Googled myself, I panicked when I saw what was available. …And we thought the foster parenting background checks were invasive!
“Girl, You’re a ruby, so stop acting like a rock. Don’t you know? You’re a diamond. Stop acting like it’s rough.”
Faith-based encouragement for women.
I’m so excited to be growing in community and seeing my stories go *beyond* myself. If you are looking for me, here’s where I can be found…
God knows your heart. He is close to the broken-hearted and hears your cry. But KNOW THIS: He is also completely in charge. He loves you in this very moment. As-is. He does not make “broken” things.
This word is too close to being used as “unlovable, unsavable, unfixable, or unwanted.” My child was none of the above. Ever. He just wasn’t ADOPTED YET. There is only one acceptable use of this word. Allow me to explain…
After months of acclimating to our foster son and trying to help with his emotional preparations for the upcoming adoption, we were at a point of acceptance. Who he was and who he wanted to be, were at odds, however.
A big challenge we have on our special needs journey is that many people on the spectrum struggle with linking “intention and outcome when engaged in moral reasoning.” This means logic-based consequences don’t work at a foundational level.
He didn’t fit into any boxes. Not ours, nor those in our community. So, we tossed out our prior expectations and started making new ones. Realistic ones. Succeeding in this new “woke” era would mean being flexible and compassionate—never assuming one’s outer expression could limit or otherwise define their inner potential.
I’m pleased to announce that my memoir is now under agent/publisher review! Titles are pending, but convey my heart’s desire to share with readers an authentic view inside adoption from foster care. Want to look inside or vote for a cover?