Year: 2020

Processing the “Loss” of an Older Child’s Babyhood

Post-placement grief, or “post-adoption depression,” is becoming more widely recognized in the mental health field. As parents adjust to their new roles as parents, the devastating knowledge of childhood trauma, loss of control in one’s life, and the potential for major shifts in one’s natural support system, are a few of the reasons new parents should take advantage of the clinical, therapeutic supports available to them.

How Young Adoptees Can Connect on Issues of Identity

Holy moly! Young adoptees are in a mess of a world at the moment! Now we are dealing with outrageous matters of skin color, months of the pandemic quarantine dragging on, homeschooling longer than anticipated, loneliness and fear… on top of separation from biological family, residuals from trauma or abuse, and the lifelong identity-issues which are present in adoptive relationships. It’s a whole heap of heaviness that can be hard to talk about… (Guest Feature)